While the wifey watches Opening Night NFL football and I sit back waiting for my dinner to reconstitute into an edible thing, I poured myself a class of the first random beer available to me in the refrigerator. That beer being the bright red can of Lagunitas Lagur.
Being from the east coast, I may have already mention this, but still, being from the east coast, I do miss my Yuengling Lager. So...if this beer thinks it deserve
s the right to call itself a Lager., then it better taste like one. Actually, I'm a bit happy that they misspelled it. You don't spell Lager with a U!?!?
The color in my glass, doesn't even look like a Lager's Lagur, maybe it looks like a Lagur, but how do I compare this Lager with Lagurs when I don't even know what type of Lager a Lagur is!!?!? Soooo, confusing!! First taste, blech!! Hopped up pee! Gross, the wifey says from the comfort of the couch. I mean, meh, it's not really what I'd consider a Lager's Lager. This is a Lagur's Lagur. It's light, and I could probably kick back three quarter's of a dozen in one sitting while watching my birds destroy the Giants, but man...there's WAY BETTER BEER I'd want to be drinking.
So, not a poor attempt from one of the finest craft brewers in the country. Just not my style!! They can keep their Lagur!
AP Rating: 76 Pts.
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